2021-12-28 19:11:07
 def check_holding(self, token, idx):
        tempList = ['ka', 'kha', 'ga', 'gha', 'uma', 'ca', 'cha', 'ja', 'jha', 'za', 'zha', 'ta',
                    'tha', 'da', 'dha', 'na', 'pa', 'pha', 'fa', 'ma', 'ra', 'la', 'ha', 'ya', 'gp', 'rrrr']
        if (any(char.isdigit() for char in token) or token in tempList or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', token)) and idx < len(self.tempArray)-1 and (self.matched[self.housekey] == None or self.matched[self.housekey] == ''):
            if idx == 0 and self.tempArray[idx+1].lower() != 'floor':
                self.matched[self.housekey] = token
                #print('holding token 267')
                if ((any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+1])) or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+1]) or (self.tempArray[idx+1] in tempList)) and idx < len(self.tempArray)-2:
                    self.matched[self.housekey] = self.matched[self.housekey] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+1]
                    if idx < len(self.tempArray)-3:
                        if ((any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+2])) or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+2]) or (self.tempArray[idx+2] in tempList)):
                            self.matched[self.housekey] = self.matched[self.housekey] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+2]
                return True
            if self.tempArray[idx-1].lower() not in self.address_component:
                check_match = 0
                area_list = load_data.get_subarea()
                for j, area in enumerate(area_list):
                    if area[0].lower() == self.tempArray[idx-1].lower():
                        check_match = 1
                if self.matched[self.housekey] == None:
                    self.matched[self.housekey] = ""
                if check_match == 0 and token not in self.matched[self.housekey]:
                    self.matched[self.housekey] = token
                    #print('290----------- '+self.matched[self.housekey])
                    if ((any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+1])) or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+1]) or (self.tempArray[idx+1] in tempList)) and idx < len(self.tempArray)-2:
                        self.matched[self.housekey] = self.matched[self.housekey] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+1]
                        if ((any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+2])) or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+2]) or (self.tempArray[idx+2] in tempList)) and idx < len(self.tempArray)-3:
                            self.matched[self.housekey] = self.matched[self.housekey] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+2]
                    return True
            return True
        elif ((token.lower() == 'house' or token.lower() == 'plot') and idx < len(self.tempArray)-1):
            tempList = set(tempList)
            if (any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+1])) or (self.tempArray[idx+1] in tempList) or (re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+1])) or (re.match(r'^[a-z]/[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+1])):
                # chk_house_no=re.search(r'\w', self.tempArray[idx+1].strip(","))
                # if chk_house_no:
                self.matched[self.housekey] = self.tempArray[idx+1]
                if idx < len(self.tempArray)-2:
                    p1 = re.match(r'[0-9]+', self.tempArray[idx+2])
                    p2 = re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+2])
                    p3 = re.match(r'^[A-Z]$', self.tempArray[idx+2])
                    if p1 or p2 or p3 or (self.tempArray[idx+2] in tempList):
                        self.matched[self.housekey] = self.tempArray[idx+1] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+2]
                        if idx < len(self.tempArray)-3:
                            if ((any(char.isdigit() for char in self.tempArray[idx+3])) or re.match(r'^[a-z]$', self.tempArray[idx+3]) or (self.tempArray[idx+3] in tempList)):
                                self.matched[self.housekey] = self.matched[self.housekey] +  "-"+self.tempArray[idx+3]
                    # matched_array.append(tempArray[idx+1])
                return True
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