2012-11-22 15:02:46
BusyNeed Testing Skills
Write a simple calculator with Visual Studio 2012, C#, WPF application. These features are required in your calculator application 
1.	Add ( + )
2.	Substract ( - )
3.	Multiply ( * )
4.	Divide ( / )
5.	Percent ( % )
6.	Equal ( = )
7.	Power ( ^ )
8.	Square root ( sqrt )
9.	1/x 
10.	 Dot ( . )
11.	 +/- ( Switch from negative to positive or from positive to negative )
12.	M+ ( Add to memory )
13.	MC ( Clear memory )
14.	MR ( Recall memory )
15.	MS ( Store memory )
You have 2 hours to complete all the features.
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