/*! * visibly - v0.7 Page Visibility API Polyfill * http://github.com/addyosmani * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Addy Osmani * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * Methods supported: * visibly.onVisible(callback) * visibly.onHidden(callback) * visibly.hidden() * visibly.visibilityState() * visibly.visibilitychange(callback(state)); */ // Packaged for AMD by [email protected] define('core/engagement/vendor/visibly',[], function () { var exports = { q: document, p: undefined, prefixes: ['webkit', 'ms','o','moz','khtml'], props: ['VisibilityState', 'visibilitychange', 'Hidden'], m: ['focus', 'blur'], visibleCallbacks: [], hiddenCallbacks: [], genericCallbacks:[], _callbacks: [], cachedPrefix:"", fn:null, onVisible: function (_callback) { if(typeof _callback == 'function' ){ this.visibleCallbacks.push(_callback); } }, onHidden: function (_callback) { if(typeof _callback == 'function' ){ this.hiddenCallbacks.push(_callback); } }, getPrefix:function(){ if(!this.cachedPrefix){ for(var l=0;b=this.prefixes[l++];){ if(b + this.props[2] in this.q){ this.cachedPrefix = b; return this.cachedPrefix; } } } }, visibilityState:function(){ return this._getProp(0); }, hidden:function(){ return this._getProp(2); }, visibilitychange:function(fn){ if(typeof fn == 'function' ){ this.genericCallbacks.push(fn); } var n = this.genericCallbacks.length; if(n){ if(this.cachedPrefix){ while(n--){ this.genericCallbacks[n].call(this, this.visibilityState()); } }else{ while(n--){ this.genericCallbacks[n].call(this, arguments[0]); } } } }, isSupported: function (index) { return ((this._getPropName(2)) in this.q); }, _getPropName:function(index) { return (this.cachedPrefix == "" ? this.props[index].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + this.props[index].substring(1) : this.cachedPrefix + this.props[index]); }, _getProp:function(index){ return this.q[this._getPropName(index)]; }, _execute: function (index) { if (index) { this._callbacks = (index == 1) ? this.visibleCallbacks : this.hiddenCallbacks; var n = this._callbacks.length; while(n--){ this._callbacks[n](); } } }, _visible: function () { exports._execute(1); exports.visibilitychange.call(exports, 'visible'); }, _hidden: function () { exports._execute(2); exports.visibilitychange.call(exports, 'hidden'); }, _nativeSwitch: function () { this[this._getProp(2) ? '_hidden' : '_visible'](); }, _listen: function () { try { /*if no native page visibility support found..*/ if (!(this.isSupported())) { if (this.q.addEventListener) { /*for browsers without focusin/out support eg. firefox, opera use focus/blur*/ window.addEventListener(this.m[0], this._visible, 1); window.addEventListener(this.m[1], this._hidden, 1); } else { /*IE <10s most reliable focus events are onfocusin/onfocusout*/ if (this.q.attachEvent) { this.q.attachEvent('onfocusin', this._visible); this.q.attachEvent('onfocusout', this._hidden); } } } else { /*switch support based on prefix detected earlier*/ this.q.addEventListener(this._getPropName(1), function () { exports._nativeSwitch.apply(exports, arguments); }, 1); } } catch (e) {} }, init: function () { this.getPrefix(); this._listen(); } }; exports.init(); return exports; }); // https://c.disquscdn.com/next/next-core/core/engagement/vendor/visibly.js