This is the pop-up flow.
postal code 751620 địa chỉ: 56/70 Dương Bá Trạc, Phường 2, Quận 8, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam, 751620 Gọi +84936220187
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * @input basket : dw.order.LineItemCtnr * @input ATPRequest : String * @input ATPCallType : Object * @output outputMessage : Object */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.rpc ); importPackage( dw.order ); importScript("ATPCall/ATPUtils.ds"); var ATP = require("ATP"); function execute
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * @input basket : dw.order.LineItemCtnr * @input ATPRequest : String * @input ATPCallType : Object * @output outputMessage : Object */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.rpc ); importPackage( dw.order ); importScript("ATPCall/ATPUtils.ds"); var ATP = require("ATP"); function execute
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
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This is the pop-up flow.
[{"field":"image_path","title":"Image","filterable":false,"sortable":true,"groupable":false,"width":50,"ordering":1,"hidden":false},{"field":"name","title":"Project Name","filterable":true,"sortable":true,"groupable":true,"width":220,"ordering":2,"hidden":false},{"field":"start_date","title":"Start"