This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * divide from parentOrder to multi sub order by wareHouseID * @input parentOrder : dw.order.Order */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.order ); importPackage( dw.util ); importPackage( dw.value ); importPackage( dw.web ); importScript( 'ext_ads:ServiceUtils.ds' ); importScript("ap
This is the pop-up flow.
while(!empty(productsInLineItemCtnrIterator) && productsInLineItemCtnrIterator.hasNext()) { var productLineItem : ProductLineItem =; if (productLineItem.bundledProductLineItems.length > 1) // product line item is bundle { for(var i = 0 ; i
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * divide from parentOrder to multi sub order by wareHouseID * @input parentOrder : dw.order.Order */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.order ); importPackage( dw.util ); importPackage( dw.value ); importPackage( dw.web ); importScript( 'ext_ads:ServiceUtils.ds' ); importScript("ap
This is the pop-up flow.
postal code 751620 địa chỉ: 56/70 Dương Bá Trạc, Phường 2, Quận 8, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam, 751620 Gọi +84936220187
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * @input basket : dw.order.LineItemCtnr * @input ATPRequest : String * @input ATPCallType : Object * @output outputMessage : Object */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.rpc ); importPackage( dw.order ); importScript("ATPCall/ATPUtils.ds"); var ATP = require("ATP"); function execute
This is the pop-up flow.
/** * @input basket : dw.order.LineItemCtnr * @input ATPRequest : String * @input ATPCallType : Object * @output outputMessage : Object */ importPackage( dw.system ); importPackage( dw.rpc ); importPackage( dw.order ); importScript("ATPCall/ATPUtils.ds"); var ATP = require("ATP"); function execute
This is the pop-up flow.