This is the pop-up flow.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.width = '100%'; config.height = '400px'; config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/cake_benthanhgroup/app/webroot/js/ckfinder/ckfinder.html'; config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/cake_benthanhgroup/app/webroot/js/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Im
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
This is the pop-up flow.
ALTER VIEW student_directory(ID, Name, Cell_Telephone, Home_Telephone) AS SELECT student_id, CONCAT(name_first, SPACE(1), name_last), phone_dorm, phone_home FROM students;
This is the pop-up flow.
iFOCUS MEDIA PRODUCTIONS TVC – SHORTS - MUSIC VIDEOS – VIRAL – CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT iFocus Media is a new rising production house in Vietnam. We have done several products for KFC, PEPSI, LISTERINE, MOBIFONE, UNILEVER with several celebrities in Vietnam such as HO NGOC HA, THUY TIEN, VY OANH,
This is the pop-up flow.
public sealed class ProjectEditSchedule : ClientServerMessage { public int ProjectID { get; set; } public ProjectEditSchedule() { Command = "Project.EditSchedule"; } public ProjectEditSchedule(ClientServerMessage clientServerMessage) : base(clientServerMessage) { Command = "Project.EditSchedule"; } }
This is the pop-up flow.
$this->loadmodel('UserinGroup'); $11111= $this->UserinGroup->find('count', array( 'conditions' => array( 'UserinGroup.userid' => $userid, ) )); $arr = array(); foreach ($1111 as $values) { $this->loadModel('Group'); $arr[]= $this->Group->find('all', array( 'conditions' => arra
This is the pop-up flow.
$this->loadmodel('UserinGroup'); $11111= $this->UserinGroup->find('count', array( 'conditions' => array( 'UserinGroup.userid' => $userid, ) )); $arr = array(); foreach ($1111 as $values) { $this->loadModel('Group'); $arr[]= $this->Group->find('all', array( 'conditions' => arra
This is the pop-up flow.
$this->loadmodel('UserinGroup'); $11111= $this->UserinGroup->find('count', array( 'conditions' => array( 'UserinGroup.userid' => $userid, ) )); $arr = array(); foreach ($1111 as $values) { $this->loadModel('Group'); $arr[]= $this->Group->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( '' => $values['useringorups ']['groupid'], ) )); }
This is the pop-up flow.
$arr = array(); foreach ($1111 as $values) { $this->loadModel('Group'); $arr[]= $this->Group->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( '' => $values['useringorups ']['groupid'], ) )); }