Recent Pastes

Pastes found: 2512
10 Sep 2014, 02:34 PM

This is the pop-up flow.


It seems that this error can also occur on some proxies that don't support "100 continue" expectation. The workaround is to add the following to the dexplore.exe.config file.
            <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />
08 Sep 2014, 10:57 AM

This is the pop-up flow.


This is the pop-up flow.


 public static string dkm()
            string urlAddress = "";
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress);
            request.Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*
04 Sep 2014, 09:59 AM

This is the pop-up flow.

30 Aug 2014, 01:40 AM

This is the pop-up flow.


XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB <<<< key Win8.1
27 Aug 2014, 07:05 PM

This is the pop-up flow.

14 Aug 2014, 10:14 AM

This is the pop-up flow.


This is the pop-up flow.


<p><img class="picasagallery_thumbnail" title="" src="" alt=""> <img class="picasagallery_thumbnail" title="" src="" alt="
05 Aug 2014, 06:40 PM

This is the pop-up flow.


An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.Entity.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.
05 Aug 2014, 12:08 AM

This is the pop-up flow.

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